Like my father

I’ve noticed lately that there have been many latent influences that have slowly made their way into the foreground of my life. Some of these are artistic pursuits that I tried as a child and have since become central themes in my life, others are more subtle. It seems I’m slowly turning into my father.

I’ve long cherished the thought of embarrassing my future spawn with awkward songs, bad catchphrases, and (intentionally) terrible dancing. The legacy of my father in imitable form.

However, there are more subtle things that I’ve been noticing. An interest in Bonsai, the New York reflection of my father’s green thumb. A focus on esoteric athletic activity, climbing and capoeira instead of racquetball and rowing. A desire to sit and really listen to albums.

At one point these similarities would have concerned me, who wants to turn into their parents? But as I get a little older (no comment on related attributes), I’ve started to cherish the connection that these attributes create with my old man. So… Cheers to doing it right.