Burning Man

Just rewatched this amazing video and I wanted to share some of my thoughts, interpretations and reflections about Burning Man.

Burning Man is where 70 thousand people show up to the middle of the desert and bring amazing things to share.

BM at its core is an amazingly inclusive and expressive atmosphere. It’s about people from all walks of life expressing themselves and bringing whatever they think would be amazing to see, do, taste, feel, and experience to the desert to share.

This creativity and joy manifest themselves in everything from breakfast pancakes, to all night dance parties, to giant wheels of fire. There is no money, bartering, or exchange of any kind. Everything is presented as a gift, and as such there is a purity of intent in everything.

I have never experienced an Art scene like BM. As a sculpture student, I was constantly blown away by the scope, creativity, and execution of the art. The variety of art ranged from paintings, to lily pads of light that change color as you jump across them, to Mutant Vehicles that can look like neon ships, unicorns, or a Pac Man ghost, and everything in between. All of it was also shipped out to the desert and displayed for an audience that would only repay the artist with gratitude and appreciation. It felt like the purest display of Art I’ve ever experienced.

I was personally humbled by the immensity and evident creativity inherent in everything I saw and experienced. Being there, made me want step up my game as a person so that I could be worthy and valuable participant in the social experiment of BM.