Angry people are sad people

People can be difficult. It’s inevitable that you’ll run into crappy people while doing your thing, and it’ll be hard not to take their bad behavior to heart.

It helps if you remember that peoples external behavior is mostly a reflection of their internal state.

I know I get mean when I’m hungry (I think the technical term for this is “hangry”). In these times my grumpy behavior is very rarely related to external stimuli, I’m just hungry and crotchety. The same is true for people with bad behavior. Their cruelty, anger, or unreasonable behavior is almost always a cover for some insecurity, sadness, or character flaw.

Now, I’m not saying to disregard any instance where someone is upset and assume that it’s only in their head. You should always reflect upon your behavior and be comfortable owning up to the parts where you did mess up. This happens, everyone makes a mistake and as long as you own up to it, apologize, and resolve to fix your behavior a reasonable person should be mollified.

But, if you really did no wrong, or after sincere reflection and apology they can’t get over it, realize their behavior towards you is probably a reflection of their internal state. And just think, you have briefly come into contact with the mess and emotional turbulence that they live with every day of their lives.

Wouldn’t it suck to live like that?