Be Ok Sucking

I like to learn. I’ve been taught a ton of stuff and taught myself some more, and my most helpful advice to anyone trying to learn something is

Be ok sucking

I’m not saying you should be perpetually happy with sucking, but recognize that most things you try to learn will not come easily. 99.99% of people sit down at a piano for the first time and suck. God forbid you try the violin.

Talent and skill are not things that magically appear, they are developed and honed through practice and a humble growth outlook.

As someone who has studied arts, I hate when people tell me they “can’t, because I’m not artistic”. Bullshit. My first drawings suck. I’ve spent hours and hours practicing and I’ve gotten better (not great mind you, but better).

You haven’t tried and you haven’t practiced. Or you tried once, realized you weren’t Michelangelo, and gave up. I’m gonna let you in on a secret. Michelangelo wasn’t Michelangelo the first time he picked up a pencil. His craft and skill took years to develop. I’m not saying he wasn’t better at it than you or I might be on his first try. However, we aren’t talking about anyone else, we are not comparing journeys (more on this later), we are talking about you sucking; no one else.

You need to be ok sucking to get better at anything. If you aren’t, you won’t try, you won’t practice, and you won’t get better. full stop.